Monday 28 June 2010


Today in class me and my group sat round and decided on what are storyboard will be like. below you can see the storyboard what I have made.

Its To Good To Talk

Task 1

  • Working in groups, my task is to conduct an interview about the subject of mobile phones.
  • The interview will then be edited into a shot film so that only the answers are used - the audience will not hear any of the questions being asked.
  • In order to avoid jump cuts you will therefore need to film cutaway shots which can be used in the editing process
  • I will need to think of a title for your short film
  • You will also lay a music bed under the edited interview

Questions for the interview

  1. Tell me what life was like before you had the mobile phone
  2. When did you get your first mobile phone and why did you get it?
  3. Tell me about all the mobile phones you have had
  4. Tell me about your current mobile phone.
  5. Why did you choose this phone?
  6. Tell me about the ringtone you have on your phone and why you chose it
  7. What do you use your mobile phone for?
  8. How much does your mobile phone cost each month?
  9. How often do you send a text?
  10. What text 'language' do you use and how did you learn it?
  11. Whats the best thing about having a mobile phone?
  12. Whats the worst thing about having a mobile phone?
  13. How important is your mobile to you?
  14. How would you cope without your mobile phone?

Codes And Conventions

In the first weeks of media we watched a number of documentaries, here are the codes and conventions of a documentary;

-Interviewees are filmed in a media shot, medium close up or close up.

-Framed to the left or right of the screen- positioning alternates if more then one interviewee to create variety.

-Framing follows the rule of thirds therefore the eye line is roughly a third of the way down the frame.

-Interviewee looks at the interviewer and not the camera

-Mise end scene- the background reinforces the content of the interview or is relevant to the interviewee providing the viewer more information about them.

-Interviews are never filmed with a light source behind them, its always in front of them.

-Cutaways are edited to break up interviews and reinforce what the documentary is about.

-Questions are edited out to avoid jumps.

-Cutaways are either:Archive materialSuggested by something said to the interviewer and therefore filmed after the interview-Sometimes aspects of the interviewee are filmed wth another camera such as extreme close ups of eyes, mouth and hands and used as cutaway.

Here are two examples of a documentary :